Letters to the Editor: Carrothers, Hudock & Weiker

Thank you to everyone for your support! I really appreciate you taking the time to make a public statement like these Letter to the Editor from Dave & Connie Carrothers, Diane Hudock & Sherry Weiker. All were published in the Advertiser-Tribune. We still have yard signs available, just let me know if you’d like one.

Dave & Connie Carrothers

“I have known Bill for the 12 years I have been on Adams Township Trustee Board, which Bill has been on 12 years also.

He listens and cares about the people of this township as he would for Seneca County. Bill will be a voice for our farming community which we need. He has been 4-H Advisor for 24 years.  He is a Seneca County Farm Bureau member.  Bill farms many acres of land, so he is acquainted with all the regulations of farming.

I have know Bill as a friend also, away from the trustee meetings, he is very caring and hard working and determined person.

Bill has been to many Republic Wind (Apex) meetings in Columbus. He supports House Bill SB 234 and HB 401 Wind Farm referendum (which would give EACH person the voting right to vote for local projects such as the “Wind Turbine” issue). 

Bill has our vote on Election Day…”

Dave and Connie Carrothers, Republic

Diane Hudock

“Our community is fortunate in that quality people run for office from our community.

Thank the candidates (and their families!) when you see them, go to candidate meet/greets (or however you do your homework on candidates), register to vote if not already (the public library will help you but you must register by February 18th to vote in this primary election), mark voting days on your calendar (March 17th primary election and November 3rd general election), and vote.

Bill Frankart is running for Seneca County commissioner. I think he would be a great addition to the county Board of commissioners.

He brings years of rural experience as township trustee, agri-business owner/operator, small business owner, active community citizen.

Bill displays a firm commitment and time involvement to our community.

I like that Bill Frankart as commissioner would bring the rural/agricultural perspective to the board. It’s a good thing for the future.. It’s been said that “It takes a village.” It also takes the rural folk that live around the village.”

Diane Hudok, Tiffin

Sherry Weiker

I have known Bill Frankart and his family for many decades. Bill has farmed our family farm since the year 2000. He has always done a good job of managing our farm, planting, harvesting and paying on time. 

I have found Bill to be extremely helpful and having many resources to “get the job done” whenever I needed help or advice.

My dealings with Bill as an Adams Township Trustee have been positive. He is committed and follows through.

I believe Bill would work hard for Seneca County as a County Commissioner.

Sherry Weiker, Clyde